SolarPunk Fiction

Your story continues…

With the soft hum of your ReLeaf-issued harvester in the background, you have barely registered the subtle difference in the weight of the Strawbactus before your eyes detect the unusual glimmer. There's an extra twinkle in the fruit, an unnatural luminescence, screaming danger. You have but a fraction of a second to react.

As a seasoned ReLeaf agent, your instincts kick in. You release the Strawbactus from your grasp, turning sharply to take cover. The world becomes a blur of sound and light as the decoy detonates in a massive explosion of color and chaos. It was a trap, a cruel act of anti-eco-terrorism.

Strawbactus shrapnel rains down, some pieces barely missing you as you dive away. Your heart hammers in your chest, and your ears are ringing. Miraculously, you have managed to avoid any serious injuries, the result of years of training and a dash of pure luck.

As the dust begins to settle, you take in the sight of the ruined crop, the charred remains of what used to be a thriving piece of green life. The damage is extensive, the implications dire.

Your heart sinks as the shock wears off and the reality of the situation sinks in. Not only have you lost the harvest, but you've also lost the trust you once had in the safety of your surroundings. The enemy, whoever they are, has reached your home base. They have disrupted the story, your story, and for the moment, they hold the power of the narrative.

But just like the Choose Your Own Adventure books from your childhood, the story isn't over yet. You've reached a bad ending, but it's not the end. It's time to regroup, reassess, and start again. You're not alone in this fight. With ReLeaf by your side, the power to shape the narrative still lies with you.

You will need assistance, reinforcements perhaps, to weed out the enemy lurking in your midst. It's time to turn back a few pages, reassess the decisions made, and correct the course.

You knew the story wouldn't always be easy. You knew there would be twists and turns. But remember, the power to choose is still yours. Be brave, be wise, and most importantly, be ready. The adventure continues...

As you gather your wits and steady your resolve, you remember the title of this chapter: "2B or Not 2B." It's a choice, to be or not to be the hero of your story. Right now, it's not the ending you wanted, but it doesn't have to be the end. You must return to make another choice, and hopefully, this time, it will lead to a better conclusion.

Choose Your Own Adventure... again.

W.A.S.T.E.: Words Assisting Sustainable Transformation & Ecology